Vodacom Tanzania is Tanzania’s leading communications company providing a wide range of services for consumers and enterprise including voice, data, messaging, financial services and Enterprise solutions. Vodacom Tanzania was listed on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange on 15 August 2017.
Vodacom Tanzania and its subsidiaries (together ‘the Group’) are majority owned by Vodacom Group Limited (75% holding), a company registered in South Africa, which in turn is majority owned by Vodafone Group PLC., a company based in the United Kingdom.
Vodacom Tanzania Public Limited Company (‘Vodacom Tanzania’) is committed to the highest standards of business integrity, ethics and professionalism.
Corporate governance principles include discipline, independence, responsibility, fairness, social responsibility, transparency and the accountability of directors to all stakeholders.
These principles are entrenched in Vodacom Tanzania’s internal controls and policy procedures governing corporate conduct and are aligned with the Capital Markets and Securities Authority’s guidelines on corporate governance practices by public listed companies in Tanzania.
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